Sunday, June 05, 2005

Broadcasters and People with Barrels Full of Ink

This Sunday's Prayer. "Dear Lord, please keep and protect your moonbat Howard Dean from the forces that would mute him or attempt to cure his mental illness. Make his voice loud and his stage large. Deliver unto him the broadest audience with the most frequency until the first Wednesday of November, 2008. Amen".... Lefty Moves Up to the Bigs. The Al Jazeera IslamoFascists of the IBHL (International Broadcasters of Hate League) have signed journeyman Riz Khan to host "an interactive interview show." Most recently the international anchor for Al Jazeera's minor league affiliate CNN, Riz will miss his old team, but is excited about joining the lineup at the parent club. "I owe CNN a lot. I pretty much learned to lie from Mr. Turner and I'm going to miss my teammates in Atlanta. But the opportunity to plan, broadcast and rationalize beheadings and bombings on the air while openly promoting an anti-American, pro-terror and extermination-of-Israel agenda is, well, a personal and professional dream-come-true. At CNN we were sometimes held back by the slightest pretense of objectivity. Now I can forget about the change-up and just throw the high hard one. All praise to Allah.".... Coughing Up a Hairball. The networks were a-twitter this week with the announcement that Bob Woodward's "Deep Throat" is alive and being sold by his kids before he can die quietly from regressive dementia in his daughter's basement. For those of you too-young or too-busy to hash through the minutiae of a 30-year-old burglary, the now 91-year old Mark Felt was the number two guy at the FBI who confirmed enough of the essentials of Woodward's reporting to serve as spine-starch for The Washington Post. And so they ran with the story that would bring down the President. But despite what we've been told this week by the usual suspects in the lamestream press, Mark Felt was not a good guy. He was simply steamed that he didn't get the top job in the Bureau. So he violated his sworn oath and took a dump on Richard Nixon by spilling classified information to a reporter. Felt, in fact, is a convicted (later pardoned) felon; tried and found guilty of illegally wire-tapping the conversations of a "subversive" group. When he ratted out the Dickster, Felt made Woodward an instant rock star, lionized by the liberal elite for running off a popular Republican president who ended a dirty war he inherited from the Democrats. The intrepid Post reporter has been drinking (and serving others) his own bathwater ever since. If you ask me, Nixon should possibly have been drummed out of office for establishing the EPA, hampering business and bloating the bureaucracy. But that's never been any kind of punishable offense in Washington D.C. In the end, nothing good whatsoever came out of Watergate. We have the whole sordid affair and all its players to thank for the national navel-gazing and self-loathing that led to four years of Jimmy Carter, the most feckless and corrosive president in our history.... The Clock is Ticking, Kofi. According to Sen. Joe Biden (D-Hair Club for Men and weekly contributor to any slanted Sunday morning talk show that will have him), we can expect to see John Bolton confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations as early as this week. The surrender monkeys in the U.S. Senate have counted the votes and, like it or not, their pals at the UN are going to see a reformer sitting in America's chair at the big table. I have two important questions to put to Ambassador Bolton as he hops on the bus to the Big Apple: "Should we associate with and fund an immoral, historically ineffective, bloated organization comprised of terrorists, dictators, rapists and thieves?" And: "Why shouldn't we resign from the UN, revoke diplomatic credentials and deport the criminals in a move that will strengthen national security, re-purpose valuable real estate, eliminate parking problems in Manhattan and liberate many tables in New York's finest restaurants?"..... This Could Be Fun. While Mr. Bolton heads to New York, that state's junior senator may be heading to the mattresses. The June 8 issue of Vanity Fair will print an excerpt from a "well-researched" book highlighting the bad behavior of Her Heinous Hillary Clinton. The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President is being rushed for an earlier-than-planned release later this summer. Expect the Clinton attack pack to pull out all their time-tested tricks in defense of the Hildebeast. So what's going to be fun about even more stories of Mrs. Rodham's unscrupulous conduct? Simple. This book is nobody's idea of a hit piece by the "vast right wing conspiracy." Author Ed Klein has impeccable credentials as a mainstream media bootlick for the left. The Senator's defenders are going to have to eat one of their own to cover up her mess this time. So pop some corn, pour a frosty, put your feet up and let the games begin. This book just might turn out to be some great TV. Maybe next week we'll lead off with a prayer for Ed Klein. We wouldn't want to see him contract a case of "Vince Foster's Disease."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steve,
Great Blog! I read it out loud to Kathy as she lay on the den carpet stroking our cat Lilly. It's not just that you write conservative logic but that you really fling it and zing it. This is some tangy stuff. It's barbeque sause compared to the regular ketchup.

Some especially good stuff...

The Dean Prayer--- hillarious.

The baseball player moving up to the majors metaphor. Lefties? Reminds me of pitcher.

Lamestream press. Did you make that up. Gotta use that one.

Woodward's "drinking his own bathwater" Too good.

Your correct identification of Nixon's real drawback--- his leadership of Republican big government bureaucracy. Mr. Bush, unfortunately has a slightly less accute case of this same disease.

The Hildebeast. Nice.

I also like your links. Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite authors. Have you read his one called Level One Thinking?

The Pinkowski Pierogie link is a bit over the top, but hey, you're a crazy Polish guy. But now Kathy is Polish, and serves them to me on occasion. I've really grown to love them.

ONe I heard.

A man came into the store yesterday. He asked me if I was the "big wheel around here" I told him no, that would be my wife. He said, "Oh, you must just be the mud flap". Perplexed, I repeated, "mudflap?"

"yeah," he said, "You catch the all the crud from the big wheel."

Best Wishes,

Bernie Iven

7:37 AM  
Blogger Steve's America said...


I'm glad you enjoy Steve's America. Maybe one day we'll all live there. It's a beautiful place where the government is small, the military is unmatched, the borders are secure and all elected officials have part-time jobs with term limits.

In Steve's America, you keep most of what you earn and you do what you want as long as you obey the limited number of necessary laws. Crime is low in Steve's America because there are tens of millions of responsible gun-owners. Criminals will know that justice will be swift, fair... and, when necessary, spontaneous.

In Steve's America the pierogies are plump, the beer is cold and the people are responsible.

Have a great day.

NOTE: 100% of most of the material that appears in Steve's America is totally original except that which is attributed to stated sources or not.

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Steve,
I thought you should know I visited your site, I didn't read it, but hey I visited. Now, here is my idea, we could start a theme park titled "Steve's America". Authentic Polish Cuisine (Pinkowski Pierogie's being your number one sponser), cold beer, themed booths (which only you could dream up), and plenty of places to register to vote and register Republican. We could create t-shirts, blazers, the whole nine yards. Give me your feed back. I think it could really work.


Completely off topic but, I will never forget how to spell seperate (there is a rat in seperate). Be proud of that victory!!

10:37 PM  
Blogger Steve's America said...

Dear Grace, does your mother know the kind of trash you're reading on the internet?

Uncle Steve

7:20 PM  

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