Saturday, May 28, 2005

Be the Hammer or Be the Nail

You've got to hand it to the unprincipled and shameless Democrats. And that's exactly what the unprincipled and rudderless Senate Republicans did this week. Ignoring the simple arithmetic of their party's majority, seven dwarves from the Party of Lincoln & Reagan whistled while they worked with a like number of pygmies from the Party of Marx & Springer to hand "we, the people" a senseless defeat in the fight against judicial activism. Who are these Chirac Republicans and why should we remember their treachery? Led by narcissist John McCain, the pack of poodles includes limp Lindsey Graham, Lincoln Chafee (the senator from a state the size of Akron), the senile John Warner, some guy with thick glasses named DeWine and the two chowderheads from New England, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins. Remember their names the next time you see any of them on a ballot or the next time you receive a call for a political contribution. They betrayed the hard work, hard-earned money and most of America's voters who handed the Republicans the keys to the kingdom. They traded that trust for some fleeting facetime with the perky Katie Couric and a quick chorus of Kumbaya around the campfire with the liars on the left. It's taken only a few days for the empty promise of their conspiracy to be exposed. The dumb deal is already coming unglued and the only thing they have to show for it is the answer to Democrat icon Rodney King's question: "Can't we all just get along?" Quite simply: no, we can't. But then, most of us knew that a long time ago..... The last seven nails in the doctor's coffin. This week's Senate stupidity brought an end to Senate Majority Eunuch Bill Frist's presidential fantasy. The patrician poof from Tennessee may have the brains to repair a human heart, but America has seen he doesn't have the stomach or the stones to go bareknuckle with even the lamest of lightweights like Mike DeWine and Susan Collins. Does anyone really think Frist is the guy we need in the ring going toe-to-toe with Kim Jong Il in a post-9/11 world?.... Prozac or Viagra? George Voinovich may need Dr. Frist to prescribe bunches of both. As if we needed any more proof that Ohio elects bad senators, the candyass from Cleveland came unhinged at the John Bolton confirmation hearings this week. Voinovich blubbered shamelessly that the US needs to send a more civil sissy to represent us at the UN so his grandchildren will be safer. Huh? It's probably good that George was busy bawling at the Bolton hearings or he would likely have been in McCain's office waving his white flag at the odious Harry Reid instead of at the already-marginalized UN crime boss Kofi Annan..... Cockroaches in the House? Who better to fight them than a trained and experienced professional? Tom "The Hammer" DeLay, House Majority Leader and professional pest exterminator from Houston, is driving the loony left to distraction with his swagger, his straight talk and his core conservative principles. On the issues, he's right more often than he's wrong.... but that's not why the Deaniacs despise DeLay. The libs really hate (and fear) him because he's an effective leader. They want DeLay gone, but the more they scream for his scalp, the more popular he gets back home and across the country. While Senator Frist was attending prestigious universities learning to heal the sick, Rep. DeLay was preparing himself for the real work in Washington D.C. He came to town knowing how to identify and eliminate all manner of pest problems. Once he's handled the cockroaches in the House, maybe the good people of Texas will send him over to the Senate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like a lot of name calling, and not enough facts about the issues. You know we need checks and balances in the system. You get a cowboy from Texas who worries more about how he's going to grease the gears for his buddie to drill oil in Alaska than he does about stem cell research. I bet W made up this war over there so he can force people to believe that raising the price of gas is a result of the fight on terrorism. Yeah, ok! What say you?

11:21 AM  
Blogger Steve's America said...

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9:13 PM  
Blogger Steve's America said...

We have checks and balances. One of them is an election like the one we just had. Get over it.

Haliburton is a great company and Dick Cheney is the man. Stem cell research won't fix what's wrong with you. And we ought to drill for every drop of American oil wherever we can find it.

Now, go read a book.

9:16 PM  

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